torek, 28. julij 2009

53. Pismo Jane Burgermaister

Svetovna Zdravstvena Organizacija (WHO) je zavrnila zahtevo o izdaji poročila s ključnega sestanka, ki so se ga udeležili izvrševalci iz podjetij Baxter, Novartis in Sanofi - ki so predlagali vsiljeno cepljenje proti virusu "prašičje gripe" v ZDA, Evropi in drugih deželah prihajajočo jesen.

SZO zastopnik zatrjuje, da zapisnik iz omenjenega sestanka, dne 7/7/09, o dogovoru za cepljenje v svetovnem obsegu, ne obstaja.

Svetovna Zdravstvena Organizacija je v sklopu Mednarodnih zdravstvenih Predpisov (IHR) izdala smernice, ki zavezujejo vseh 194 podpisnic v primeru izbruha epidemije, pričakovane prihajajočo jesen ( podobne "španski gripi" ). Ta drug val virusa imenovanega H1N1, ki je bil zasnovan v laboratorijih, naj bi bil veliko bolj smrtonosen.

Na kratko: SZO si jemlje pravico, da vsakogar, živečega v katerikoli od teh 194 držav
članic, prisili k cepljenju in odredi karantene ter omeji potovanja.

Obstajajo dokazi, da je SZO dobavila ziv virus "ptičje gripe" avstrijski podružnici Baxterja, ki je bil potreben pri izdelavi 72 kg cepiva letos februarja.

Baxter je omenjeni material poslal šestnajstim laboratorijem v štirih državah, pod lažno nalepko, da gre za cepivo in tako skoraj sprožil epidemijo.

Pri rokovanju s tako nevarnimi sestavinami mora Baxter slediti strogim predpisom (3. stopnje). Iz tega sledi, da produkcija in razposiljanje virusov ni pomota, ampak kriminalno dejanje.

Avstrijska policija dejanje raziskuje, po zavrnjeni vlogi tožbe februarja.

Je povsem kristalno jasno, da sta SZO in Baxter le člena verige v veliko večji kriminalni organizaciji, ki deluje z namenom zadovoljiti potrebam "elite", katere namen je zmanjšanje populacije v prihajajočih mesecih in letih ter ustvariti eno svetovno vlado.

Videti je, da SZO in UN igrata vodilni vlogi pri organiziranju laboratorijev in vlad, z namenom doseči znižanje populacije in ekonomskim prevzemom Evrope in Severne Amerike:

* Prvič, SZO daje sredstva laboratorijem, da razvijajo smrtonosno biološko orožje.

* Drugič, SZO ta smrtonosni material dobavlja podjetjem, kot je Baxter v Avstriji. Ta pa z njim nato načrtno okuži cepivo.
Vkolikor laboratorijski tehnik na Češkem ne bi pravočasno odkril okuženosti 72 kg cepiva, bi se milijone ljudi okužilo z virusom "ptičje gripe" preko injekcij.

* Tretjič, v primeru izbruha epidemije, SZO zahteva vsiljenje cepiva v vseh 194 državah, ter sledenje navodilom Bexterjevih izvrševalcem.

* Četrtič, SZO nagradi Baxterja, Novartis, Sanofi in ostala podjetja, ki dostavljajo cepivo, z dobickonosnimi pogodbami.

Razvidno je, da SZO prevzame celoten nadzor v primeru epidemije.

Po zakonu o izbruhu epidemij, iz leta 2005, ki velja po svetu, je določeno, da se v taksnem primeru nacionalne vlade razpustijo in nadzor prevzamejo posebni krizni komiteji. Ti nadzirajo zdravje in varnost infra struktur v državah podrejenih SZO in EU v Evropi in SZO in UN v Severni Ameriki.

V primeru kršenja "Zakona o zdravstvenem varstvu v nujnih situacijah" pod vodstvom SZO, se akt obravnava kot kriminalno dejanje. Pri zavrnitvi cepiva v Ameriki ima policija dovoljeno uporabo sile in orožja.

Na osnovi zakona v o posebnih kriznih komitejih, ki velja v večini držav, postanejo SZO, UN in EU de facto vlada velikega dela sveta.

Masovni pomor bo pripomogel k sesutju ekonomije, vodil v lakoto in vojne - vse to bo se dodatno pripomoglo k zmanjšanju populacije.

SZO pomaga pri razvoju in razposiljanju smrtonosnega virusa. Le ta ji bo zagotovil nadzor vlad Severne Amerike in Evrope ter omogoči nadaljnje vsiljevanje cepiva pod nazorom organizacij, ki so ga razvile in razširile smrtonosni virus.
Vse to pod pretvezo, da želijo zaščititi populacijo pred epidemijo, ko so jo sami razširili.

Vodilni svetovni mediji, ki so last te iste "elite", namerno prikrivajo javnosti resnično nevarnost H1N1 in si ustvarjajo dobičke.

Večina ljudi se vedno verjame, da je virus H1N1 naravnega izvora, medtem, ko je SZO uradno ze opustila izraz "prašičja gripa" in taktično potrdila njen umeten izvor.

Večina ljudi se vedno verjame, da jim bo cepivo zagotovilo zdravje, a pripravljajo se injekcije, ki vsebujejo zmanjšane viruse, toksične kovine in druge strupe.

Dvojna doza H1N1 injekcij zadostuje za oslabitev imunskega sistema in ga nato obremeni z živimi virusi. Podobno kot v zapisih SZO iz leta 1972, ki opisujejo kako se cepivi sprevrže v sredstvo za ubijanje.

Streckerjevi zapisi govorijo o tem, da je SZO raziskovala koko oslabiti imunski sistem.

Najboljša zaščita proti H1N1, ki je bil sedaj izdan in je postal z mutacijo veliko bolj smrtonosen, je koloidno srebro, vitamini, ki okrepijo imunost ter zaščitne maske.

Kakorkoli, nobena od severno-ameriških in evropskih držav nima na zalogi koloidnega srebra ali drugih zaščitnih sredstev za predvideno epidemijo.

Nasprotno, z ustvarjanjem panike, nameravajo prestrašiti ljudi in vsiliti toksično cepivo, ki bo zagotovo povzročilo poškodbe ze zavoljo vsebnosti težkih kovin.

Masovno cepljenje bi povecalo smrtnost in prikrilo izvor razsirjene pticje gripe.

Zato se moramo sedaj aktivirati in prepreciti masovno cepljenje, planirano za to jesen.
Legalno je potreba ustaviti distribucijo cepiva in zakone, ki vladam dovoljujejo vsiljeno cepljenje!

V vsaki drzavi je potrebno sproziti raziskavo tega mednarodnega zlocina, saj mu lovke segajo v vse dezele.
Potrebno je zaceti v Ameriki. Tozbe vlozene proti SZO in UN pri FBI, junija meseca, so zavrnili.
Obtoznica vkljucuje pravtako predsednika Obamo, saj je cas, da se pokaze na glavne clane te svetovne organizacije in se jih spravi za zapahe za vedno.
Pravtako obstajajo porocila o direktnem pretoku financ med Obamo in Baxterjem, ki jih je potrtebno raziskati.

Obstajajo dokazi o sodelovanju Bexterja z avstrijskim zdravstvenim ministrom.

Pravtako so dokazi za avstrijske medije, za sirjenje lazi in za zapeljevanje javnosti v lazen obcutek varnosti in zaupanje Baxterju.

Nujno je, da posamezniki in lokalne oblasti, ukrepajo, da se cimbolj zascitimo pred prihajocim valom virusa H1N1 in cimbolj zmanjsamo njegov vpliv.

Obtoznica v anglescini in nemscini:

ponedeljek, 27. julij 2009


Usoda je v vasih rokah!

Boste tudi tokrat skomignili z rameni in rekli :"Ah, to se me ne tice!"...?!?!

Tokrat gre za vase zivljenje in za zivljenje vasih bliznjih, predvsem za zivljenja otrok!

Pogumna avstrijska novinarka Jane Burgermaister se je odlocila za spopad na sodiscu z vlado Novega Svetovnega Reda (New World Order), ki jo nadzoruje Illuminati.
Odlocila se je za boj za svobodo in zdravje celotnega clovestva.

Jane trdi, da ima dokaze o sodelovanju ameriskega predsednika Obame in WHO (World Health Organization) ter raznih drugih zdravstvenih organizacij in mogocnikov pri nacrtovanem pomoru clovestva. Navaja tudi dokaze, da so vodilni svetovni mediji (casopis in TV) v rokah iste osebe, ki narekuje razpredanje lazi in slepi ljudstvo.

Kot sem ze navajala v svojih prvih blogih, je namen "Novega Svetovnega Reda" drasticno zmanjsati svetovno populacijo (na priblizno 500 milijonov).
S tem namenom so v laboratorijih razvili virusni gripi, t.i. pticja in prasicja gripa. Sami gripi nista nicbolj smrtonosni kot katerakoli vrsta naravne gripe. Kar je lahko smrtonosno je cepivo proti gripi. Mediji pri tem sodelujejo s sirjenjem lazi o visoki umrljivosti zavoljo gripe in seveda vlivajo strah v kosti ter spodbujajo nakup cepiv. Najbolj so nevarnosti izpostavljeni otroci, ki se niso razvili imunosti proti gripi. S tem namenom je Obama izdal zakon o obveznem cepljenju vseh otrok. To je v ameriki povzrocilo velik preplah in upor.
Izdana je peticija proti temu zakonu. Tukaj lahko sodelujete s svojim podpisom:

Veliki nacrt se je zacel z ustvarjeno svetovno ekonomsko krizo, ki je povzrocila stres in strah pred prihodnostjo. Stres vodi k upadanju imunosti, kar je odlicna podlaga za popularno gripo.
Kaj se sledi?
Napovedujejo izginotje prehrambenih izdelkov iz polic supermarketov.... lakota... in posledicne vojne.

Kolikokrat ste ze slisali ali brali o prerokovanem "koncu sveta"?

Sedaj je na vas ali pri unicenju in samounicenju sodelujete ali se koncno postavite zase, ptoti tiranu, ki nas je zasuznjil in vzamete usodo v svoje roke!

"Vstanite v suzenjstvo zakleti!..."

Mnogi se borijo za svobodo clovestva, a zal do sedaj brez uspeha.
Razlog za neuspeh je "prezaposlenost" ljudi, ki se bojijo, da bodo prevec izgubili.
A naj vam povem, da ze zacenjate drago placevati za svoj strah in otopelost!

Indijski pregovor pravi:"Kolonija mravelj lahko premaga kaco!"

Jane poziva ljudi iz vsega sveta, da vlozijo tozbe na sodiscih v svoji dezeli. Zagotavlja posedovanje zadostnih dokazov.

Posnetki intervjuja z Jane Burgermaister:

Internetna stran, ki vas poveze z raznimi svetovnimi linki:

Janin osebni blog:

Janino porocilo o vsiljevanju cepiva pod nadzorom WHO:

Pismo prijatelja, ki poziva vse zdravilce, da se pridruzijo boju za svoje pravice:


Dear All Natural Therapists, Health Practitioners, Alternative Doctors and Natural Health/ Freedom Advocates (and ALL fellow Beings)I have a question for you...
How on Earth has is come down to a JOURNALIST having to take on the Illuminati controlled government's New World Order, the World Health Organization etc. in court, to fight for humanity’s rights to health and freedom??
Why hasn’t this been initiated by a natural health practitioner or an alternative doctor, or some other freedom movement or organization?

If you don’t know what is happening, then you need to find out - NOW!
Read the attachment about the Austrian Journalist, Jane Burgermeister.

Here is journalist, new to the issues of global health, taking on the giants of the New Wold Order.
How inept and blind are we to have not taken on this whole problem ourselves before now?

I now call upon each and every one of you who is concerned for human rights and freedom to step forward and join together to establish a UNIVERSAL NATURAL AND ALTERNATIVE HEALTH/ FREEDOM ORGANIZATION!!!

We need to create an organization that represents every single natural/ alternative health advocate and freedom lover on the planet.
We can and must take a stand, NOW, to become a force unto ourselves to create a power that will completely negate the forces that currently threaten us.
If we do all stand together as one, and create a completely new foundation for humanity's health and freedom, we can completely turn our backs on the established 'authorities'.

I have attached a list of all the alternative/ natural therapies – look at just how many there are!
What if all the people within each and every one of these modalities joined forces?
I am sure we could out number them by 3 to 1!!
There is a saying in South India, "A colony of ants can overpower a snake!"

There already exists countless health associations and organizations around the world, with every modality or movement having their own separate group.What is a real insult to our intelligence is that there is usually more than one group per modality - just look at kinesiology or chiropractic as an example!!
Plus, at last count, there were about 130 freedom movements in Australia alone!!

There needs to be an organization that represents and provides umbrella protection for each and every person or group that chooses to join, and align with its principles and codes.
This is unlike the current elitist organizations that only represent the pretentious and smug doctors and practitioners with qualifications.
There is NO platform whatsoever for the common man!!

I am personally fed up with the bureaucracies and authorities that control and restrict practitioners, as well as people’s rights to choose the care they receive.
This new global organization’s intentions MUST uphold absolute freedom and choice for every individual.
Practitioners and clients must have the right to do and choose as they will.

Whether or not you agree with what others practice or choose for their health is none of your business!
If a person wants to practice, then let the people choose for themselves as to whether what they offer is relevant or not.
If they are helping people or doing any good, then their efficacy and reputation will determine if they stay in business.
If you believe your methods prove something different, or disprove other methods, then it is up to you to provide all the information and demonstrate that directly to the people involved and the WHOLE community.

We must give people and clients the information, and then leave them to make up their own minds.
We must make them responsible and accountable for their own actions and choice of practitioner and treatment.
If the new organization does not give and maintain every person’s right (practitioners and clients alike) to choose their own methods of practice or treatment – then forget the whole idea.

To guarantee that this new model works, we must freely provide everyone with ALL available information, as well as empower them with the Truth, to enable them to make informed decisions and conscious choices.
The world is currently plagued by conflict and confusion, so much so that people often fear learning the Truth.
This ignorance has perpetuated for generations, simply because we have become accustomed to withholding.
I guarantee you that there is a simple and natural cure for every dis-ease known to man, as well as easy answers to every problem we face as a race.
All the cures and answers are being suppressed or withheld deliberately!!
To help bring an end to all the conflict and confusion, you need to realize that ALL darkness instantly disappears in the presence of Light.
You must understand that with the release of all the suppressed treatments, cures and technology, there will be an enormous shift in the consciousness of mankind!!

However, at the moment, the world is full of people with disease, disabilities, learning difficulties etc. etc. as a result of vaccines and medications.
We have become so neurologically, biochemically, energetically and spiritually shutdown, that many cannot even see the problems that exist. Our inability to see and accept the Truth and work together, is itself the result of the above. But I warn you, if the governments do go ahead with their agenda of compulsory vaccinations on a GLOBAL scale, then we won't just have disabilities, we will have NO abilities at all!!Frankly, humanity will be doomed!

After 26 years in the field of natural health - and trying to wake people up as to what we are now facing - I retired to write a series of books.
But now I face the reality that there is no point in writing books if people everywhere are going to be too dumbed down to be able to comprehend them!

We cannot rely on ‘experts’ and practitioners with qualifications and their organizations to come together and speak up on our behalf.
Everyday people often have more of an idea of what is going on than qualified practitioners.
Unfortunately, from my experience in the field, it is a case of the blind leading the blind.
Therefore, I call upon all the people that do have high profiles in the fields of health and freedom, to spread the word or assist in the creation of this organization.
People like Phillip Day, Joseph Mercola, Leo Rebello, Len Horowitz, Ken Adachi, David Icke, Jeff Rense, Alex Jones, to name just a few, have the ability to instantly reach millions of people.

I have a very simple, black and white code or set of principles by which we can all agree to live by and practice:

If it is not something you would think, do or say in the presence of God or your Creator
If it is not something you would think, do or say in Heaven (or Heaven on Earth)
If it is not essential to the fulfillment of your Soul’s purpose here on Earth
or, Natural according to the Laws of this world
- then don’t do it!
The instant you do, you and everyone around you will suffer the consequences!

I don’t care whether you believe in God or a Creator of not - if you choose to live by just one or more of these principles, it will mean that we will all be able to head in the same direction!
With no confusion and no conflict!!

We must have as our very foundation the awareness that all dis-ease is a healthy response to an unhealthy environment.
Every member of this organization must be ready, willing and able to accept the interconnectedness of all things.
They must embrace the Truth in that anything can cause anything and anything can fix anything.
They must accept that ALL things have their place, and that everything is appropriate when it is appropriate. (I have created a complete model that encompasses all these points)
Everyone must put aside their differences and just work together with the simple and common Truths that we all obviously share.

Remember, from the twisted and perverted perspective of the Illuminati, they really believe they are doing the right thing in trying to depopulate and control the world.The reason they think their agendas are the only way is because they are completely void of Love!!Therefore, the infinite healing power of Love is never perceived as a possible answer.But there is not one single problem or disease in the world that cannot be solved using True Compassion or Natural means.However, both of these answers obviously remain outside the field of our vision - otherwise we would all have acted in unison a long, long time ago.So now, it has been left it up to one lady with the courage and enough nous to do what should have been done centuries ago.

If somebody said to me 25 years ago that we would still be without a Universal Natural and Alternative Therapy Organization in the year 2009, I would not have believed them - but here we are, in that very situation.

The only reason we have failed to gain our independent freedom is because people are not prepared to do whatever it takes.
People are too busy to act or feel they have too much to lose.
But I am telling you now that we are about to pay the ultimate price for our fear and apathy!
So we have to take this step and work together - to put an end to all this nonsense once and for all!!

It is time we all re-examined where we are going in life – or being taken is more to the point!
How much do you really know and understand, or care, about what is going on in the world?
We can make and sign as many petitions as we damn well like, but in the end we will still be answerable to the same evil dictators.
Enough is enough - It really is time for this insanity to end!
Claim your power and take action!

I am willing to initiate the movement towards the creation of this organization, despite all the potential risks – and the recent horrific attempt by the powers that be to eliminate me!
This direct experience with the stop-at-nothing authorities gave me a good, hard look at what the loss of the freedom to choose will mean for humanity as a whole!
The end result is too horrendous to imagine and not worth mentioning here.

The last time I attempted to initiate this plan, 7 years ago, I came up against so much apathy and resistance that I gave up.No one was willing or able to think outside the square in order to foresee what is now upon us.
I have made no friends over these years because I have been so outspoken and frank about the realities of what is going on.
I am not interested in making friends - I am only interested in preserving my freedom and the possibility of sharing it with those that equally revere it.

But now, I am not willing or able to give up - because the decisions you make now, directly affects the long term reality of what I face.
In the past I have been able to turn my back on society in disgust (mainly at the natural and alternative health fields), and disappear into the remote parts of the world.But if the current agendas go ahead, there will literally be nowhere to run and nowhere for me to hide!!
This is just a quick and spontaneous brainstorm on what I think and feel needs to happen.
I am not in the position to personally take on the much of this project.
If you possess the required qualities, or know of someone that you would like to nominate, or know something that will bring about this plan sooner rather than later, then please notify me as soon as possible.

Any and all ideas on the organizations structure etc. are most welcome.
To start with, ideally, and perhaps essentially, all work must be done voluntarily and for free.
(Surely amongst the retired community there would be people ready, willing and able to help make this organization a reality.)
There needs to be a website created and a way of registering members.
Each member will receive a number and join as a practitioner, professional, or general health/freedom advocate.

Everyone who is interested in living a natural life and preserving our freedom and alternative/ natural therapies has the right and need to speak up now.
Whether or not you are able to contribute to an organization doesn’t matter.
If you just help by spreading information about what is going on will be of enormous benefit!

And, if you are another one of the thousands of people who have been suppressed or shutdown - due to what you know or have invented - now is the time to come forward and blow your whistle!!

Until now, the New World Order agendas have met with little or no resistance at all!
It will obviously take a lot of work to do this, but it is essential for our survival!
And we must act quickly to succeed.

Now it is time to act, or it will be time for goodbye!
Love and Light
Brian Schaefer
Wholistic Natural Therapist
Independent Health Researcher
Phone: +61 (0)7 55 312 982
Mobile: 0404 713 646
Skype: brainresearchf

"Only the Infinite is real."
"Your effort is to maintain the effortlessness!"

petek, 24. julij 2009

51. Nova prevozna sredstva

Ce bodo uspeli z razvojem teh novih tehnologij, to pomeni prenehanje uporabe fosilnih energij, konec z nuklearno energijo, elektricno in seveda konec onesnazevanja, ki je z vsem nastetim povezano.

Bomo premagali naftne mogotce, ki vladaju svetu in koncno nasli pot iz suzenjstva ali bodo nove tehnologije spet neopazno izginile?

Pomagajte pri sirjenju informacije in zacnite zahtevati to kar nam pripada!

Vstanite v suzenjstvo zakleti...!

50. Dober tek!