ponedeljek, 14. september 2009

57. Vstanite v suzenjstvo zakleti!


"....In 1990, Kim Beasley was asked a question in Parlament from Senator Button. Beasleyreplied - The United Nations has given the Federal Government a mandate of ownership for housing, farms, property and business to Goverment control, ONCE THE REPUBLIK HAS BEEN PROCLAIMED. -So thereyou have it, the real purpose behind the push for a Republic, - which will become the worst dictatorship in history.

Why? Because of today's money power.

Over history, money has been in many forms - gold and silver, cattle, coconuts, and even rum in the early days here. Money is a far superior system to barter and there is nothing wrong with lending to invest in a productive profit sharing venture. But to charge interest on created money is the root cause of all economic problems. How ludicrous it would be if a Railway organisation employed a printer to print their tickets, and their printer says - "Because I created these tickets, I own them, and I will lend them to you, at face value, plus interest" You say "how ridiculous", but that is excactly the way is today with the money system. Have you ever heard of a train not running because they did not print enough tickets? Of course not - But that's just as stupid as saying you can't build roads, or schools or whatever we need because we lack the money. We have the materials the man and the machine power and the skills to make it happen - so you can say - there's not enough money, when in reality, money is nothing more than a sophisticated ticket system.

Today, the money or ticket system is - 95% computer blips, and only 5% notes and coins. It is created and controlled exclusively by the banks.

It is the SYSTEM which cause your problems - the mathematics - If the interest rate is 5% on $100 loan of new money, then 100 plus nothing - does not equal 105, which is the amount the banks demand you pay back.

The extra 5 is not created, so the nation as a whole, can never get out of debt to the banks. It must keep borrowing more to continue - Mayer Amschel Rothschild was from a family of goldsmith-money lenders and said "Give me control of a nation's money supply, and I care not, who makes it's Laws."

So how did the Rothschilds and others became so wealthy? Around 1690, the English King William needed money for a war with France, so he borrowed 1,2 milion pounds, a straggering amont, from the goldsmith money lenders. Their reward? - He granted them a Charter for the Bank of England in 1694, which make him legal for them to charge him 8 percent interest.
This was the beginning of the modern - privately owned - banking system. It has taken them a only few handred years to become the ONLY source of money - and your slave masters.

Did you know that The Reserve Bank is NOT a Government operation, it became independent in 1960. It creates money out of nothing, but that is not the problem as you will see. The problem is the Reserve Bank is just like the printer for the railway tickets, it pretends it owns that new money, and lends it to your Gouvernment, whit interest on top, and takes the mortgage over your taxes. Now you know where a large chunk of your taxes go. Ask yourself, or anyone who should know - politician - financial adviser - bank manager - hairdresser or cab driver (they know everything) - ASK THEM -

If every nation is in debt - who is the Creditir???
.... You'll be dismayed at the answers.


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