torek, 29. december 2009
77. Janez in vrtiljak zdravil
To je vrtiljak, na katerem se ni preveč priporočljvo znajti, kajti ko si enkrat na njem, je sila težko izstopiti ...
In čim starejši smo, tem bolj postaja ta vrtiljak nevaren. In pogost. In nor.
Vzemimo na primer Janeza.
Janez je dokaj zdrav 50-letnik, ki nima posebnih zdravstvenih težav.
Na sistematskem zdravniškem pregledu pove zdravniku, da mu včasih malce ponagaja prebava ... in zdravnik mu napiše recept za zdravilo famotidin, ki »pomaga« proti slabi prebavi.
Na videz povsem nedolžno zdravilo. Toda Janez žal ne ve, da famotidin povzroča bolečine v sklepih.
Slednje postajajo vedno hujše in vse bolj moteče, zato začne Janez jemati paracetamol, da si bolečine olajša.
Tudi paracetamol se mu zdi docela nenevaren, saj je na voljo brez recepta.
Še vedno pa se počuti slabo oziroma se zdaj počuti še slabše.
Postane depresiven, kar je prav tako stranski učinek famotidina.
Toda Janez tega ne ve.
Prav tako je stranski učinek famotidina to, da mu nenadoma začnejo rasti prsi, težave pa ima tudi s potenco.
To dvoje njegove depresije zagotovo ne olajša.
Janez, ki je z razpoloženjem vse bolj na psu, prebere, kako zelo zdravo naj bi bilo rdeče vino. Zato vsak dan pri večerji zvrne kakšen kozarček, včasih pa še pri kosilu.
Zakaj bi si vino omejeval, če je pa zdravo? Pa še razpoloženje mu popravi.
Vendar pa se Janez ne zaveda, da paracetamol v kombinaciji z alkoholom lahko hudo poškoduje jetra.
Poleg tega so njegova jetra močno obremenjena že zaradi prvega zdravila, famotidina, tako da se te poškodbe kaj hitro spreminjajo v kronične.
Jetra so sicer organ, ki se izjemno hitro obnavlja in je v nekaj tednih že popolnoma regeneriran. Vendar tudi jetra ne zmorejo delati čudežev, če morajo nenehno razgrajevati tuje sintetične snovi in alkohol.
Zato jetra (ki opravljajo v telesu nad 400 funkcij) v tem stanju nenehnega stresa kmalu omagajo in prenehajo učinkovito izvajati detoksifikacijo organizma.
Posledice so takojšnje in uničujoče, zlasti za imunski sistem.
Janezovo telo, ki ne zmore več presnavljati strupov, postane nemočna tarča raznih okužb. Zato mu zdravnik predpiše antibiotike. Antibiotiki zadajo Janezu najhujši udarec od vseh, saj mu dokončno sesujejo že tako načeti imunski sistem.
Obenem poškodujejo tudi njegova prebavila ter omogočijo razrast kandide.
Zdaj ima Janez žal tudi že kronično vnetje sinusov; zanj mu zdravnik predpiše zdravilo proti alergijam-antihistaminik, katerega neželeni stranski učinek pa je, da Janez kmalu postane tudi vzkipljiv in razdražljiv.
Pri tem seveda to zdravilo, antihistaminik, alergij prav čisto nič ne zdravi, le blokira njihove simptome.
Pa še to le v 40 do 60 % primerov, kajti alergije povzročajo tudi druge snovi in ne le histamin.
Hkrati so protialergijska zdravila znana po številnih stranskih učinkih, Tako ima Janez zdaj še glavobole, zvišan holesterol in motnje srčnega ritma.
Pogosto ga stiska v prsih, nenehno se znoji, povrnile pa so se tudi prebavne težave, kajti antihistaminik mu je povzročil vnetje želodca.
Janez tudi velikokrat bruha, njegov krvni sladkor je precej povišan, ima nenormalno krvno sliko in težave z uriniranjem, zadnje čase pa opaža še, da ima motnje pri koordinaciji gibov in svojega telesa ne obvladuje več popolnoma.
In tako naprej ... in naprej.
Pravzaprav v njegovem telesu ni več stvari, ki bi delovala normalno.
Uradna medicina, v vsej svoji krasoti in veličastnosti.
Verjetno vsak od nas pozna nekaj takšnih Janezov, ki so se zelo hitro spremenili v razvaline.
Psihične motnje, izpadanje las, težave z dihanjem, ustne afte, zvišanje telesne teže, nenormalnosti v EKG-ju, okvare vida, gomazenje po telesu, pordelost kože, nočne more, osebnostne spremembe, samomorilne misli … vse to je »normalno« in »sprejemljivo«, dokler »koristi prekašajo tveganje«.
Obstajajo pa še tudi taki stranski učinki, ki jih zdravnik nikoli ne vidi., žena Janeza zapusti, ker ne more več prenašati njegovih izbruhov besa in nenormalnega vedenja.
Otroci so se mu odtujili, morda bo izgubil tudi službo, saj je nenehno na bolniški, ko je na delu, pa se nanj ni mogoče več zanesti.
Vse zaradi nepomembne težavic s prebavoe, ki bi se dala zlahka urediti s kakšnim čajem ali zeliščnim pripravkom, če bi se Janezov zdravnik (ali Janez sam) na to seveda spoznal.
Ne zanašajte se na druge, zanesite se nase in na svoje telo.
Privoščite mu hrano – tisto naravno in brez črtnih kod ... Privoščite mu zdravje.
Predvsem pa, povejte naprej.
petek, 18. december 2009
76. Strupena voda iz plastenk
Strupena voda iz plastenk
Tanja Matko
12. 11. 2009
Ustekleničena voda vsebuje zdravju škodljive snovi
V zadnjem času lahko opazimo intenziven porast prodaje in porabe vode iz plastenk, saj ljudje ne želijo več piti vode iz pipe, češ, da ni 'zdrava in dovolj čista', k čemur so zagotovo doprinesla mamljiva oglasna sporočila z energije polnimi, srečnimi in vitalnimi ljudmi, slikami neokrnjene narave in izvirov kristalno čiste vode na plastenkah in podobno. V prepričanju, da delajo nekaj koristnega za svoje zdravje, uporabniki tako kupujejo desetine plastenk tedensko – ne vedoč, da sebi in svojim otrokom dajejo strupe, ki imajo vpliv na hormonsko ravnovesje v telesu.
Znanstveniki v Nemčiji so v raziskavi namreč ugotovili, da plastika z oznako PET (preverite na dnu svojih plastenk), ki se jo med ostalim uporablja za plastenke za vodo, sprošča kemikalije, ki motijo delovanje hormonov. Te snovi se sproščajo v vodo in seveda tudi v vse ostale, v PET plastiko 'ustekleničene' pijače, ki nato vplivajo na estrogen in ostale reproduktivne hormone – tako kot snovi za plastificiranje BPA in ftalati (phthalates). Torej če pijete ustekleničeno vodo – ali še huje, jo dajete svojim otrokom – s tem uživate tudi estrogene komponente.
Drugi škodljiv učinek je, da ribe zaradi estrogenega delovanja plastike spreminjajo spol. Po svetu se namreč pojavlja zaskrbljujoče visoko število moških rib, ki začenjajo razvijati ženske spolne organe in celo proizvajati jajčeca. V raziskavah o škodljivem delovanju vode iz plastenk so v plastenke z vodo dali posebne polže, ki so izjemno občutljivi na estrogene komponente in po osmih tednih življenja v njih so imeli polži v plastenkah več kot dvakrat več zarodkov v svojih telesih kot polži, ki so v tem času živeli v steklenicah.
Testi so pokazali tudi neprimerljivo manj estrogenega delovanja v vodi iz pipe kot pa najbolj 'kakovostne' (glede na obljube oglaševalcev in cene) vode iz plastenk. Dr. Wagner, znanstvenik, ki je raziskavo vodil, je dejal, da je po teh rezultatih ponovno pričel s pitjem vode iz pipe, ki v zadnjem času neupravičeno dobiva slab sloves oz. preprosto ni več 'in'.
Podobno je pokazala druga raziskava, ki jo je vodil dr. William Shotyk in ki je bila objavljena v reviji Royal Society of Chemistry's. Ta raziskava je pokazala, da so v vodi sledovi antimona, kemikalije, ki se jo uporablja za izdelavo PET (polyethylene terephthalate) plastenk, ki jih uporablja velika večina 'proizvajalcev' ustekleničene vode. Že zelo majhne količine antimona lahko povzročijo, da se počutimo bolne in depresivne, medtem ko v večjih količinah izzove intenzivno bruhanje ali celo smrt. Raziskava je pokazala tudi, da se te snovi v vodi, ki je v plastenkah, višajo skupaj s časom, ko je voda v plastenkah – količine so se kar podvojile v samo treh mesecih!
Profesor Shotyk je dejal: "Nočem prestrašiti ljudi, vendar dejstvo je, da se antimon kontinuirano sprošča v vodo, ki je v plastenkah, zato voda iz plastenk ni primerna za pitje." V svoji raziskavi je testiral navadno vodo in mineralno vodo različnih proizvajalcev plastenk, ki so naprodaj v Kanadi, nato jo je ponovil še z evropskimi vodami. Raziskavi sta pokazali enaka dejstva: navadna voda je vsebovala izredno malo antimona. Testirana takoj po nalitju v plastenke je bila vsebnost antimona že višja, šest mesecev po odprtju plastenke pa izredno visoka. Antimon namreč prehaja v vodo na podoben način kot aroma in okus iz čajne vrečke.
Seveda pa bodo tisti, ki od prodaje vode iz plastenk mastno služijo, trdili drugače – Elizabeth Griswold, direktorica Kanadske zveze za ustekleničeno vodo (Canadian Bottled Water Association), je namreč dejala: "Količine antimona v vodi iz plastenk ljudi ne ogroža. Gre za sledove te snovi".
Seveda pa se z njo ne strinjajo strokovnjaki, ki so izvajali teste in raziskave in ki so se po ugotovitvah iz raziskav odločili, da ne bodo nikoli več pili vode iz plastenk. Dr. David Coggan, ki dela na univerzi v Southamptonu, je pozval, naj se opravijo nadaljnje raziskave, saj podatki, ki so na voljo, ne dajejo dovolj informacij o učinkih antimona in koliko ga je treba zaužiti, da ima strupeno delovanje. Poleg tega so v nekaterih vodah našli še druge strupene snovi, med drugimi naftalin (naphthalene), ki v večjih količinah povzroča poškodbe jeter.
Ekološki vidik
Drugi, a zato nič manj pomemben vidik kupovanja plastenk pa je ekološki. Dejstvo je, da se plastika, iz katere so plastenke, praktično nikoli ne razgradi in se tako kontinuirano nalaga v našem okolju. Skoraj 90 % plastenk se ne reciklira in pristanejo v našem okolju, kjer bi trajalo oz. traja tisoče (!) let, da se razgradijo.
Za izdelavo plastenk za vodo se porabi toliko olja/nafte, da bi za to količino lahko celo leto vozilo 100.000 avtomobilov. Še nadaljnje količine se ga porabi za prevoz te vode po svetu. Poleg tega se pri izdelavi plastenk porabi na hektolitre vode, prav tako tudi pri postopku čiščenja, pri katerem se porabi kar dvakrat več vode kot se z njo napolni plastenke!
To pa še ni vse – nastradajo seveda ponovno tisti, ki so pri vsem najmanj krivi – to so živali.
Največje morske želve orjaške usnjače umirajo, saj pogosto zaužijejo plastenke. Razlog je v tem, da se sicer prehranjujejo z meduzami oz. ožigalkarji, ki so precej podobne plastenkam – in tako v prepričanju, da bodo pojedle meduzo, pojedo plastično embalažo. Raziskava je pokazala, da je od leta 1885 dalje umrlo več kot 400 teh želv, pri več kot tretjini pa so v prebavilih našli plastiko. Poleg plastičnih vrečk so želve zaužile tudi plastične ovitke, žlice in ostalo nesnago sodobnega načina življenja človeka. V teh primerih zaužito sicer naj ne bi bilo vedno vzrok smrti, je pa vsekakor jasen pokazatelj, da je nerazgradljivih odpadkov, kamor sodi tudi plastika, odločno preveč – in žal tudi z vsakim dnem več. Eden izmed raziskovalcev, morski biolog Mike James z univerze v Halifaxu, je dejal: "Ne glede na to, če umreš od tega ali ne, če zaužiješ plastiko, to nikakor ne more biti dobro. To ni nekaj, kar naj bi te želve jedle in naravnost grozljivo je, da se v njihovi 'prehrani' pojavlja tako pogosto kot se."
V raziskavi, v kateri so hoteli ugotoviti, kako pogosto želve zaužijejo plastenke, so zajeli 408 želv, ki so nasedle – med njimi jih je kar 138 (torej 34 %) vsebovalo plastiko! Skupaj s porastom proizvodnje in uporabe izdelkov iz plastike od leta 1950 dalje narašča tudi število želv, ki te plastične izdelke 'vsebujejo'. Ta plastika lahko zapre prebavo in povzroči zatekanje in zaviranje prebave in tako vodi v počasno in bolečo smrt. Mike James je še dodal: "Orjaške usnjače so preživele veliko uničujočih dogodkov, zdaj pa se morajo soočati z nevarnostmi, ki jih prinaša človek in njegov način življenja."
Ob vseh teh podatkih se lahko vprašamo, zakaj bi sploh uživali nekaj, kar je strupeno, če se temu lahko izognemo, in ali se te snovi iz telesa izločajo (in če se, po kolikšnem času) ali kumulirajo. Osveščen potrošnik, ki mu ni vseeno za njegovo zdravje in zdravje njegovih potomcev, bo nad izdelki, ki mu lahko škodujejo, potegnil črto oz. jih vsaj omejil na najmanjšo možno mero. Če pa kljub vsem ugotovitvam še vedno vseeno dvomite, da je voda iz pipe bolj zdrava, si namesto plastenk raje omislite vodni filter.
Uporaba vode iz plastenk torej ne vpliva samo na naše zdravje, temveč tudi na zdravje živali na Zemlji in ima katastrofalen vpliv na okolje. Zato, kadar ni nujno (torej kadar gremo npr. na pot ali pri športu) nikar ne kupujmo vode in ostalih napitkov v plastenkah. Nekaj malega pa lahko naredimo tudi s tem, da plastične izdelke vržemo v smeti, se trudimo izogibati plastičnim izdelkom in ovojnini na sploh, če oz. kadar pa jih že moramo uporabiti, jih uporabimo večkrat, preden jih odvržemo. In nikar ne pozabimo na nakupovalne vrečke iz blaga, ki poleg tega, da jih lahko uporabljamo dolgo časa, so tudi razgradljive.
sobota, 28. november 2009
74. Tomaž Humar
Čez nekaj časa spoznaš rahlo razliko med držanjem za roke in oklepanjem duše.
Spoznavati začenjaš, da poljubi niso pogodbe in darila niso obljube...
Zato zasadi svoj vrt in okrasi svojo dušo, namesto da čakaš, da ti nekdo drug prinese rože.
In nauči se, da resnično lahko zdržiš...
Da si resnično močan in resnično vreden.
četrtek, 26. november 2009
torek, 24. november 2009
72. Preventiva H1N1
V globalni epidemiji te vrste, se je skoraj nemogoče izogniti stiku z virusom H1N1, kljub vsej pazljivosti. Stik s H1N1 ni toliko problem, kot je problem njegovo širjenje.
Dokler ste še zdravi in nimate nikakršnih simptomov H1N1 infekcije, s ciljem preventive širjenja, blažitve simptomov in razvoja sekundarnih infekcij, nekaj zelo enostavnih korakov, ki niso dovolj poudarjeni v javnih medijih, a se jih lahko uporabi (- namesto da se »osredotočite« na to, kako priti do cepiva N95 ali Tamifluja):
1. Pogosto pranje rok – obvezno, znano že vsem!
2. Pristop "Roke stran od obraza"! Kontrolirajte se in se čim manj dotikajte obraza z rokami (edino če nameravate jesti – tu je seveda pribor(!)ali ko se umivate). Oklofutali pa se najbrž ne boste. ;o)
3. Dvakrat dnevno izpirajte grlo s slano vodo (ali pa z Listerini če ne zaupate soli)...
H1N1 rabi 2-3 dni po iniciirani infekciji v grlu /nosni votlini, da se razmnoži in pokaže karakteristične simptome. Enostavno izpiranje preprečuje širjenje. Na nek način ima izpiranje s slano vodo enak učinek na zdravo osebo, kot ga ima Tamiflu na inficirano. Ne podcenjujte te enostavne, močne in poceni preventivne metode!
4. Podobno z zgoraj navedenimi 3 točkami, čistite vaše nosnice najmanj enkrat dnevno s toplo slano vodo.
Ne more biti vsakdo dober v Jala Neti ali Sutra Neti (zelo dobra Yoga asanas, za čiščenje nosnih votlin), je pa močno izpihanje nosu in brisanje obeh nosnih votlin z vato močno natopljeno v topli slani vodi zelo učinkovito pri zniževanju virusnega širjenja.
5. Okrepite svojo naravno odpornost s hrano, ki je bogata z vitaminom C (predvsem citrusi in zelenjava).
Če imate dodatke v obliki tablet vitamina C, preverite, da vsebujejo le-te tudi cink, ki poveča absorpcijo vitamina v telo.
6. Pijte kar največ toplih napitkov (čaj, tudi kava in drugo).
Topli napitki imajo enak efekt kot izpiranje, vendar v nasprotni smeri. Oni izpirajo oz. »odplaknejo« razmnožene viruse iz grla v želodec, kjer le-ti ne morejo preživeti, se razmnoževati ali nam drugače škodovati.
Posredujte še komu to obvestilo. Nikoli ne veste, kdo se je pripravljen sam obvarovati pred virusom in morda ostati ŽIV zaradi tega…
ponedeljek, 23. november 2009
71. Kuga mori v Ukrajini
Verjetno večina med vami ni obveščena o dogajanju v Ukrajini, saj našimediji poročajo bore malo o dogajanju. Namreč, v roku enega tedna je tam zanovo gripo zbolelo že preko 870.000 ljudi, umrlo pa jih je že 135 (neuradnipodatki pa govorijo o precej večjih številkah, bilo naj bi nekaj 1000mrtvih). Samo v zadnjem dnevu so zabeležili več kot 200.000 novo obolelih.Večina umrlih ni umrla zaradi nove gripe H1N1, temveč zaradi neke novebolezni, ki napade pljuča, tako, da ljudje izkrvavijo skozi pljuča (govorise o pljučni kugi, mutaciji virusa H1N1 itd.) Pljuča naj bi se dobesednostopila, saj se segrejejo na 55°C. V nekaterih okrajih Ukrajine naj bizbolela že polovica prebivalstva.
Kar je pri zgodbi še posebej zanimivo, je dejstvo, da so v Ukrajini predtednom dni od izbruha konec oktobra imeli le malo obolelih za H1N1. 31.oktobra pa so ljudje poročali, da so ponoči manjša letala "škropila" ozračjes chemtraili, od takrat dalje pa se je začela epidemija strahovitihrazsežnosti.Oblast že razmišlja, da bi uvedla vojaško oblast, da bi lahko cepila državljanebrez "prava glasanja", kaznovali pa naj bi tiste, ki govorijo proticepljenju in se nočejo cepiti.
Izjava Ukrajinskega predsednika:
Kar pa je najpomembnejše: že avgusta letos pa je izraelski mikrobiologJoseph Moche v ZDA za radijsko oddajo povedal, da Baxter v svojihlaboratorijih v Ukrajini razvija biološko orožje, ki ga bodo uporabili vcepivih za H1N1 in, ki bo povzročil masovno smrt prebivalstva. Kmalu za temso ga aretirali na način, kot smo ga navajeni iz raznih ameriških akcijskihfilmov. Skupina specialcev ga je skušala (neoboroženega znanstvenika!)aretirati s pomočjo solzivca, vojaškega oklepnika, posebnega robota ... inpo nekaj urah so ga uspeli spraviti ven iz avtomobila, kjer je mirno sedel,z elektrošokerjem. Poglejte si res šokanten video, kako so se lotili enegasamega človeka. Uradna razlaga je bila, da je grozil beli hiši z'unspecified threat'.
Ljudje v Ukrajini so panični, hodijo naokrog v maskah, ki so itak že pošlein cepajo kot muhe. Šole, kino in ostala skupinska srečanja so prepovedanaza tri tedne, gibanje in potovanje je omejeno, določena območja so vkaranteni, sosednje države (Slovaška, Poljska, Rusija, Madžarska) pa žezapirajo meje z Ukrajino.In seveda bo ZDA "pomagala" Ukrajini z 930.000 dozami cepiva:
O dogajanju poročajo tudi veliki mediji:
Pa tudi pri nas se najde kak članek:
Razvoj bolj odporne bakterije, ki povzroča kugo in ki bila dalj časa obstojnav zraku, odporna na antibiotike, so razvijali že v Sovjetski zvezi:
Se je zdaj zares začelo, o čemer se že dalj časa govori, a jih večina skomignez rameni in si misli, da je to še ena teorija zarote več. Nas bodo zaresiztrebili? Ukrajina ni daleč od Slovenije!!!
One Flu Over the Ukraine's Nest
To se dogaja le nekaj 100 km stran od nas - neodvisni mediji pa so tiho, inporočajo o nepomembnih šokantnih stvareh ...
Novi primeri so se iznenada začeli pojavljati tudi v Indiji.
70. Cepivo & Vlada RS
Na nedavni tiskovni konferenci je HMS na Vlado RS ter ministra za zdravstvo naslovil poziv za izdajo odloka o umiku cepiva zoper svinjsko gripo iz uporabe v Republiki Sloveniji. Njihov javni odgovor je bil: cepivo je varno, HMS naj se posvetuje s stroko.
Taka pavšalna trditev oblasti je neodgovorna do svojih državljanov, davkoplačevalcev in volilcev, kateri so ji zaupali oblast. O varnosti leto dni starega cepiva ni nobenih poročil, pač pa je obratno veliko poročil o njegovih nevarnosti za zdravje in celo nevarnosti za življenje cepljenih. Iz evropskih držav je vse več poročil o smrnih žrtvah cepiva. Hkrati pa nekatere vlade razglašajo pandemijo, katere ni, to je mimo kriterijev o pogostosti obolenj za svinjsko gripo in o številu smrti. Pri tem je samo korak do prepričanja, da se pandemije razglaša za pripravo terena za prisilno cepljenje. V Ameriki so na primer na neki šoli prisilno cepili 36 otrok proti volji staršev. Tako je bil v Švici na metroju podtaknjen zaboj virusa nove gripe, najverjetneje za potrebe razvoja pandemije, ki je po naravni poti noče biti, tako kot narava ni sodelovala pri prenosu ptičje gripe.
Državljani smo soočeni z zlorabo našega zaupanja v medicino in v farmacevtsko industrijo, pa tudi z zlorabo zaupanja v oblasti. Za lastno obrambo pravice do zdravstvene zaščite in do življenja moramo izvajati konsekvence, to pa je, da se ne cepimo, da ne postanemo poskusni kunci za ugotavljanje stopnje nevarnosti cepiva zoper svinjsko gripo ter da preprečimo vse poskuse oblasti za uvedbo prisilnega cepljenja. Take aktivnosti vlad po svetu poimenujejo biološki genocid, biološki terorizem, s katerim naj bi se načrtovalo zmanjšanje svetovnega prebivalstva za 5 milijard v 10 letih zaradi zdravstvenih posledic cepiva. Po evropskih medijih in internetu se širi plaz odpora proti forsiranju dokazano nevarnega cepiva zoper svinjsko gripo, to je zoper dejavnosti vlad za cepljenje čimvečjega števila prebivalstva, predhodno steroriziranega z lažnimi objavami visoke stopnje nevarnosti pandemije.
Cepivo zoper svinjsko gripo so pripravili iz kloniranega virusa španske gripe iz zamrznjenega telesa nekega Eskima, ki je podlegel španski gripi po koncu 1.svetovne vojne v letu 1918. V sporno cepivo je dodan tudi živ virus ptičje gripe, kar v kombinaciji povzroča paralizo, druge hujše okvare zdravja in smrt.
Za vlado RS bi morala biti zaskrbjujoča vest da je 72 kg cepiva z živim virusom ptičje gripe bilo razdeljeno med 4 države, med njimi tudi v Slovenijo v laboratorij Bia separationis, kar je farmacevtska firma Baxter potrdila, da je cepivo okuženo z virusom ptičje gripe, ampak da gre samo za raziskave. Kje je zdaj to cepivo, upamo da ne na kakšnem metroju, želežniški postaji, itd.
Predsednik odbora za zdravje nemškega parlamenta in Sveta Evrope, dr. Wolfgang Wodarg je ugotovil, da so v cepivu tudi rakave celice živali.
Tretja nevarnost je v tem, da so v cepivu izjemno visoke doze squalena, snovi ki sicer obstaja v telesu in ki v končni fazi povzroči hude avtoimune reakcije na lastni squalen, kar zruši imuni sistem.
Odkrili so tudi primere, ko je bila letošnja običajna vakcina za sezonsko gripo dejansko zakamuflirana vakcina za svinjsko gripo, da ji le ne bi kdo ušel. Tako je tudi cepljenje zoper sezonsko gripo tvegano.
Vlade so nabavile cepivo od farmacevtskih družb, katere se ukvarjajo tudi s kloniranjem prehrambenih rastlin za neplodnost semen ter z idejami o razredčenju svetovne populacije za nekaj odvečnih milijard. Ukvarjajo se torej s plani, kako naj bi farmacevtske družbe postale bog in odločale o življenju in smrti, pa tudi o lakoti. Kaj o tem pravijo verske skupnosti ni slišati.
Farmacevtsko redčenje prebivalstva se v dobi interneta ne more več izvajati v tajnosti. Kdo bo še zaupal nasvetom ministra za zdravstvo RS, ki svetuje cepljenje za dojenčke od 6.meseca starosti dalje, za otroke, nosečnice in kronične bolnike, a samo cepljenje se je pričelo najprej na zdravstvenih delavcih.
Po evropskih državah se sedaj vrstijo protesti državljanov tudi v obliki vlaganja skupinskih ovadb zoper vlade in ministre za zdravstvo in da je prvi tovrstni postopek že stekel pred bruseljskim sodiščem 21.10.2009 in se nadaljuje jutri, o čemer poroča Le Soir. O biološkem genocidu s cepivom poroča tudi Der Spiegel, a Berliner Zeitung objavlja, da berlinski zdravniki ne bodo sodelovali pri cepljenju prebivalstva.
Sprašujemo se, kaj v tej situaciji počne Ištitut za zdravstvo RS, ki trenutno svari le pred nekvalitetno mešanico kokakina, a za cepljenje vodi propagando, namesto da bi ščitil človekovo pravico iz 51.člena ustave do zdravstvene zaščite. Slovenska vlada je namreč nabavila 1,3 milijona vakcin, kar bi, če bi se ljudje res cepili, onesposobilo 68% prebivalstva v Sloveniji. Kaj pri takem stanju stvari počne Zdravniška zbornica Slovenije s svojo medicinsko etiko, kot organ Ministrstva za zdravstvo? Zaščitil ni niti medicinskega osebja pred cepljenjem zoper svinjsko gripo.
Sprašujemo se še, kakšne so v tem trenutku dejavnosti Urada varuhinje človekovih pravic RS.
Zoper tako morbidno znanstveno fantastiko se državljani, mediji in civilna družba lahko upremo z medsebojnim obveščanjem, tako da se ne cepimo, ko zaenkrat od tistih, ki smo jim na volitvah dali javna pooblastila ne moremo pričakovati odgovornega ravnanja, saj smo od njih izpostavljeni s svojim zdravjem in življenjem za neprostovoljnje poskuse tujih farmacevtskih družb.
Dnevne novice lahko dobite na spletni strani novinarke Jane Burgermeister. Predlagamo tudi, da nadalje na spletno stran te priznane avstrijske novinarke, ki je zadevo svetovnega interesa odkrila, pošljete svoje donacije.
Neva Miklavčič Predan
sreda, 11. november 2009
I have divided the newsletter up into these categories, so scroll down to each category. I have given each category a separation that is visible. This edition of the newsletter will feature the following:
- Announcements
- Recent News
- Brief History of News Reports on H1N1 That Should Sound Alarm Bells
- Over 100 Murdered Microbiologists, Chemists and Virologists?
- Vaccine Documentaries, Videos, News clips
- Vaccine Myths and Facts
- Vaccine Connections to Neurological Disorders
- Violations of liberty, constitution, etc with Vaccinations, Quarantines and lawsuits
- FEMA Camps
- Chem-Trails
Sign the petition to investigate HPV vaccine dangers!
News has launched on
Recent News
OK everyone, taken right from the health website on H1N1 safety, at the bootom, it reads some of the current adverse reactions being seen with H1N1 vaccines and as expected, GBS (Guillain Barre Syndrome) which killed and hospitalized people in the 1976 Swine Flu scare is being seen with this vaccine. “adverse reactions reported included generalized skin reactions including urticaria… neuralgia, convulsions and transient thrombocytopenia. Allergic reactions, in rare cases leading to shock, have been reported… reactions included vasculitis with transient renal involvement and neurological disorders, such as encephalomyelitis, neuritis and Guillain Barré syndrome.”
Attempted Murder Of 6 Harvard Microbiologists
In Germany, A Better H1N1 Vaccine For Politicians?,8599,1932366,00.html
Jon Stewart, I used to think his commentary was hilarious. After watching him associate the vaccination-education movement or vaccine “truth” movement with Glenn Beck, I am utterly out of words. Those who question vaccines are not doing it for the reasons you presented on your show the other night. I am sorry to say this but Jon Stewart, you sold out. Stewart made the insinuation that those who question vaccines do so because they do not trust their government. Didn’t he not trust the government under Bush? What a hypocrite, plus, this is not a republican or democratic issue, which he tried to say it was. He lied and said the vaccine has been tested to be safe. No it hasn’t.
Health freedom attorney Jim Turner has told NaturalNews he is filing a lawsuit mid-day Friday that seeks to halt the distribution of all swine flu vaccines in America. The lawsuit claims that the FDA approved the vaccines in violation of federal law and that no proper safety testing has ever been conducted on them. Read more about this story at Natural News:
Check out This is the woman who filed the lawsuit in Austria trying to prevent the vaccinations from occurring. She has loads of information from her lawsuit as well as information on the injunctions etc. being pursued. These efforts should coordinate.
Brief History of News Reports on H1N1 That Should Sound Alarm Bells
On January 14th, 2004, the CDC announced that it was to mix avian, human flu viruses in a pandemic study - "rather than waiting to see if nature spawns such a hybrid, US scientists are planning to try to breed one themselves—in the name of preparedness." As it turned out, this was the exact strain that became known as H1N1 that would be later released on the masses in 2009, 5 years after this study.
The patent for the actual vaccine was applied for by Baxter (Vaccine Manufacturer and Big Pharmaceutical Giant) but what makes this application for the patent on the vaccine so weird is that the patent was applied for 2 years before the outbreak, 3 years after the CDC did a study on the pandemic itself for this specific strain
Baxter was the company caught sending out contaminated vaccinations in Europe that were going to spread Avian Bird Flu had a lab tech not discovered the error. It was later discovered this was no error, but in reality, a probable bioweapon incident where Baxter was trying to spread disease intentionally in "vaccinations."
Given their relationship to the patent application for H1N1 2 years before the outbreak, one should take notice that Baxter has a factory just south of Mexico City where all the first cases were contracted of H1N1. the outbreak came from just outside the surrounding areas of Baxter’s manufacturing plant in Mexico.
The H1N1 going around right now is the exact strain in the study that Baxter applied for the vaccine patent for. The same one the CDC did in a controlled pandemic experiment, "A never-before-seen flu strain — a mix of pig, human and bird viruses — has turned killer in Mexico and is causing milder illness in the United States and elsewhere.",2933,517982,00.html
Joe Biden, during the election year, in October '08: "Mark my words. It will not be six months before the world tests Barack Obama like John Kennedy... Watch, we are going to have an international crisis, a generated crisis to test the mettle of this guy...I can give you at least 4 or 5 scenarios of where it might originate":
The first case was seen in Mexico on April 13. The outbreak coincided with President Barack Obama’s trip to Mexico City on April 16. Obama was received at Mexico’s anthropology museum in Mexico City by Felipe Solis, a distinguished archeologist who died the following day from symptoms similar to flu, Reforma newspaper reported. The newspaper didn’t confirm if Solis had swine flu or not.
The man Obama met was the curator of the Aztec culture and specialized in studying the ritual mass killings around that time of year which the Mayans practiced. Some conspiracy websites suggested that the meeting was ceremonial and symbolic to kill that man, mark him as a sign
Part 1 : 2:
Was the H1N1 outbreak what all the mass casualty planning about that was performed over the last 2 years by FEMA, DHS, National Guard and other agencies? In fact, FEMA held a very specific drill the week of the outbreak. It was called, “The Interagency Continuity Influenza Pandemic Tabletop Exercise” and it was during this drill that the outbreak of H1N1 occurred.
The Associated Press reported that the Swine Flu was cultured in Lab
The Last Significant Outbreak of Swine Flu in the US was '33' Years Ago Among Soldiers at Ft. Detrick, the same military research lab where the Anthrax Attacks originated. The Anthrax attacks turned out to be an inside job, one of our own military, top level scientists cleared for military research was behind the Anthrax Attacks all from Ft Detrick. Is it a coincidence that the Swine Flu from 1976 also originated from the Military’s Ft Detrick?
What a coincidence that the last major flu pandemic, the flu from 1918, was also from the military. At Fort Riley, thousands of military personnel developed the flu in the spring, summer, and fall of 1918. The first official influenza sick call at Camp Funston occurred on March 4, 1918, and within three weeks at least 1,000 soldiers required hospitalization for severe symptoms. That’s right, the Spanish flu came from the military, originally
The Spanish Influenza Epidemic of 1918 was caused by vaccinations
The Department of Defense and the US Airforce put together a comprehensive report of long-term strategic planning and preparation to address the future’s greatest challenges to the national security of the United States, published in April 1996. The report was titled, Alternate Futures for 2025: Security Planning to avoid Surprise, a research paper presented to the Airforce 2025. It was an unclassified report cleared for the public in 1996. In chapter five, a plausible history revealed what would happen if a flu pandemic hits China and worldwide in 2009, resulting in the death of over 30 million people, an assumed number if the outbreak was contained somehow.
Over 100 Murdered Microbiologists, Chemists and Virologists?
The deaths you are about to read about all occurred in the last 8 years, these are not accidents, look at the cause of death and their expertise. I added links to the news stories, but if you want to find them just google the scientist or doctor’s name followed by the word “dead”and you should find a source if I didn’t place it
Attempted murder of 6 Harvard microbiologists disclosed this week. A leading toxicologist believes the chances are slim that six lab workers at Harvard University Medical School were poisoned by accident. "An accident? Sodium azide is a poison," said David M. Benjamin, a toxicologist and Chestnut Hill-based clinical pharmacologist. "Absolutely not." The Herald reported yesterday that six scientists and students at the New Research Building in Boston's Longwood Medical area were mysteriously poisoned after drinking from a communal, single-serve coffee machine on the eighth floor near their pathology lab on Aug. 26. Seconds later all six reported symptoms including dizziness and low blood pressure and were taken to Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center for treatment.
Don C. Wiley Dr. Wiley disappeared November 15, 2001 in Memphis, Tennessee. He was attending a two-day annual meeting of the scientific advisory board of St. Jude Children's Research Hospital. His work on deadly diseases such as ebola and HIV raised fears of a terrorist kidnapping. Four hours later, his rental car was found on a bridge, raising the question of suicide, which his family vehemently refuted
Dr. Don C. Wiley
Dr. Wiley was found a month later in the Mississipi River.
Robert M. Schwartz
Robert M. Schwartz was a renowned biophysicist who was a pioneer in DNA sequencing, he was found murdered in his home after coworkers became concerned at his absence. And yet another biochemist
Dr David Kelly and others…
Dr. David Kelly was an unlikely dissident. In fact Kelly wasn’t a dissident at all, but a prominent figure in Britain’s bioweapons defense establishment. The former head of the microbiology department at Porton Down, the UK’s secret biological and chemical warfare research facility, at the time of his 2003 death Kelly was a consummate insider, a trusted keeper of state secrets; dangerous and deadly secrets that could topple governments. A civilian employee of Britain’s Ministry of Defence (MoD), Dr. Kelly was a biological weapons expert and former United Nations weapons inspector in Iraq. While David Kelly wasn’t a spy, he did enjoy unprecedented access to the world of secret intelligence. Indeed, according to author Gordon Thomas, Kelly had helped orchestrate the defection of a top Russian microbiologist Vladimir Pasechnik (who turned up dead in 2001, allegedly from a stroke) and played a part in the FBI’s investigation into the 2001 anthrax attacks in the United States by trying to identify the origin of the Ames strain used in the fatal mailings which ended up turning into a highly top secret investigation since evidence mounted that the Anthrax attacks were from inside the military’s most secure bioweapons facility. But it has now come to light that there may be another compelling reason why Dr Kelly might have been murdered.
Amazingly, 12 other well-known micro-biologists linked with germ warfare research have died in the past decade, five of them Russians investigating claims that the Israelis were working on viruses to target Arabs. The Russian plane in which they were travelling from Tel Aviv to Siberia was shot down on October 2001 over the Black Sea by an 'off-course' Ukrainian surface-to-air missile. Dr Kelly knew the victims and asked MI6 to find out more details. However, they drew a blank.
Five weeks later, Dr Benito Que, a cell biologist known to Dr Kelly, was found in a coma near his Miami laboratory. The infectious diseases expert had been investigating how a virus like HIV could be genetically engineered into a biological weapon.
Dr Benito Que
Dr Que, 52, was found unconscious outside in the car park of his lab and died in hospital. Officially, he suffered a heart attack although his family says he was struck on the head. Police refused to re-open the case.
Robert Schwartz
Robert Schwartz was found slain in Loudoun Home
Set Van Nguyen
Set Van Nguyen was found dead in the airlock entrance to a walk-in refrigerator in the laboratory where he worked in Victoria State, Australia
Vladimir Korshunov
Vladimir Korshunov was found dead on a street in Moscow
Ian Langford
Ian Langford was a senior Fellow at the University of East Anglia’s Centre for Social and Economic Research on the Global Environment. His body was discovered on by police and paramedics. The body was naked from the waist down and partly wedged under a chair. It is understood that doors to the terraced house were locked.
Tsunao SaitohTsunao Saitoh was a leading Alzheimer's researcher. He and his 13 year-old daughter were killed in La Jolla, California, in what a Reuters report described as a "very professionally done" shooting. He was dead behind the wheel of the car, the side window had been shot out, and the door was open. His daughter appeared to have tried to run away and she was shot dead, also.
Linda ReeseLinda Reese was a microbiologist working with victims of meningitis. She died three days after she studied a sample from Tricia Zailo, 19, a Fairfield, N.J., resident who was a sophomore at Michigan State University. Tricia Zailo died Dec. 18, a few days after she returned home for the holidays.
Jeffrey Paris WallJeffrey Paris Wall was a biomedical expert who held a medical degree, and he also specialized in patent and intellectual property. Mr. Walls body was found sprawled next to a three-story parking structure near his office. He had studied at the University of California, Los Angeles.
Ivan Glebov and Alexi Brushlinski.These were two microbiologists. Both were well known around the world and members of the Russian Academy of Science. Glebov died as the result of a bandit attack and Brushlinski was killed in Moscow.
David W. BarryDavid W. Barry was a scientist who codiscovered AZT, the antiviral drug that is considered the first effective treatment for AIDS. Circumstance of Death: unknown
Victor KorshunovVictor Korshunov was an expert in intestinal bacteria of children around the world. He was bashed over the head near his home in Moscow.
Tanya HolzmayerTanya Holzmayer was a Russian who moved to the U.S. in 1989, focused on the part of the human molecular structure that could be affected best by medicine. She was killed by fellow microbiologist Guyang (Matthew) Huang, who shot her seven times when she opened the door to a pizza delivery. Then he shot himself.
Guyang HuangGuyang Huang was a microbiologist who apparently shot himself after shooting fellow microbiologist, Tanya Holzmayer, seven times.
David Wynn-WilliamsDavid Wynn-Williams was a respected astrobiologist with the British Antarctic Survey, who studied the habits of microbes that might survive in outer space. He died in a freak road accident near his home in Cambridge, England. He was hit by a car while he was jogging.
Steven MostowSteven Mostow was known as "Dr. Flu" for his expertise in treating influenza, and a noted expert in bioterrorism of the Colorado Health Sciences Centre. He died when the airplane he was piloting crashed near Denver.
David R. Knibbs, PhDDavid R. Knibbs was Director of Electron Microscopy at Hartford Hospital and had a doctorate in pathobiology from the University of Connecticut. He also served as an adjunct faculty member at the University of Hartford. He collapsed and died after an evening run (one of his joys in life).
Dr. Leland Rickman of UCSDDr. Leland Rickman was an expert in infectious disease who helped the county prepare to fight bioterrorism after Sept. 11. He was in the African nation of Lesotho with Dr. Chris Mathews of UCSD, the director of the university's Owen Clinic for AIDS patients. Dr. Rickman had complained of a headache and had gone to lie down. When he didn't appear for dinner, Mathews checked on him and found him dead. A cause has not yet been determined.
Michael PerichMichael Perich was an LSU professor who helped fight the spread of the West Nile virus. Perich worked with the East Baton Rouge Parish Mosquito Control and Rodent Abatement District to determine whether mosquitoes in the area carried West Nile. Walker Police Chief Elton Burns said Sunday that Perich of 5227 River Bend Blvd., Baton Rouge, crashed his Ford pickup truck about 4:30 a.m. Saturday, while heading west on Interstate 12 in Livingston Parish. Perich's truck veered right off the highway about 3 miles east of Walker, flipped and landed in rainwater, Burns said. Perich, who was wearing his seat belt, drowned. The cause of the crash is under investigation, Burns said.Robert Leslie BurghoffRobert Leslie Burghoff was studying the virus that was plaguing cruise ships until he was killed by a mysterious white van in November of 2003. Burghoff was walking on a sidewalk along the 1600 block of South Braeswood when a white van jumped the curb and hit him at 1:35 p.m. Thursday, police said. The van then sped away. Burghoff died an hour later at Memorial Hermann Hospital.
Dr Richard StevensDr Richard Stevens was a hematologist. (Hematologists analyze the cellular composition of blood and blood producing tissues eg bone marrow). He Disappeared after arriving for work on 21 July, 2003. A doctor whose disappearance sparked a national manhunt, killed himself because he could not cope with the stress of a secret affair, a coroner has ruled.
Dr. Michael Patrick KileyDr. Michael Patrick Kiley was one of the world's leading microbiologists and an expert in developing and overseeing multiple levels of biocontainment facilities. He was at the forefront in the early studies of Lassa fever, the Ebola virus and mad cow disease while at the Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta, Ga. He Died of massive heart attack. Coincidently, both Dr. Shope and Dr. Kiley were working on the lab upgrade to BSL 4 at the UTMB Galvaston lab for Homeland Security. The lab would have to be secure to house some of the deadliest pathogens of tropical and emerging infectious disease as well as bioweaponized ones.
Vadake SrinivasanVadake Srinivasan was one of the most-accomplished and respected industrial biologists in academia, and held two doctorate degrees. He died in a mysterious single car accident in Baton Rouge, La. Crashed car into a guard rail and ruled a stroke.
William T. McGuireWilliam T. McGuire was a NJ University Professor and Senior programmer analyst and adjunct professor at the New Jersey Institute of Technology in Newark. His dismembered body was found floating in three suitcases in the Chesapeake Bay.
Dr. Eugene F. MalloveMallove was well respected for his knowledge of cold fusion. He had just published an open letter outlining the results of and reasons for his last 15 years in the field of new energy research. Dr. Mallove was convinced it was only a matter of months before the world would actually see a free energy device. He Died after being beaten to death during an alleged robbery.
Antonina PresnyakovaAntonina Presnyakova was the former Soviet biological weapons laboratory in Siberia. She died after accidentally sticking herself with a needle laced with Ebola.
Dr. Assefa TuluDr. Tulu joined the health department in 1997 and served for five years as the county's lone epidemiologist. He was charged with tracking the health of the county, including the spread of diseases, such as syphilis, AIDS and measles. He also designed a system for detecting a bioterrorism attack involving viruses or bacterial agents. Tulu often coordinated efforts to address major health concerns in Dallas County, such as the West Nile virus outbreaks of the past few years, and worked with the media to inform the public. Dallas County's chief epidemiologist, was found at his desk, died of astroke.
Dr Paul NormanHe was the chief scientist for chemical and biological defence at the Ministry of Defence's laboratory at Porton Down, Wiltshire. He travelled the world lecturing on the subject of weapons of mass destruction. He died when the Cessna 206 crashed shortly after taking off from Dunkeswell Airfield on Sunday. A father and daughter also died at the scene, and 44-year-old parachute instructor and Royal Marine Major Mike Wills later died in the hospital.
Ok, well I can go on and on and on, but if you want to see more:
Here is a list of another 87 more convenient deaths in the microbiology, virology and chemistry world. The reason all of this needs to be mentioned, as you can see, is the nature of these murders and the fact that most of them, for the most part, are unsolved.
Here is the list of 87 more names:
Vaccine Documentaries, Videos, News Clips:
Swine Flu Conspiracy
Vaccine Nation - Director's Cut (Gary Null). Watch This Movie And You Will Never Want To Vaccinate.
Merck Vaccine Chief admits the drug company vaccines have traditionally been injecting cancer viruses (SV40 and others) in people worldwide.
Predictive Programming: Tv Movie Shows Riots, Quarantines, Mass Graves for Pandemic Flu
Former Airforce Officer Sues State of Florida Over Forced Vaccination Law Being Violation of Personal Liberty
Quarantine or $1,000 a day fine fore refusing the mandatory vaccine!
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Vaccine Myths and Facts:
Journalist Fired Over Flu Pandemic Lawsuit
Swine Flu: 177,699 cases & 1,126 deaths - *worldwide*. If you catch it, you appear to have an approx 99.4% chance of living.
Australian Officials are warning of an infectious disease risk for those who receive the H1N1
Report suggests people who get vaccinated are more likely to catch H1N1
Uncensored Magazine H1N1 Susceptibility Linked to Genetically Modified Food, Mutating Rapidly
On The Smallpox Vaccine, Dr. Vernon Coleman wrote: "One of the medical profession’s greatest boasts is that it eradicated smallpox through the use of the smallpox vaccine. I myself believed this claim for many years. But it simply isn’t true."
Is it true that the Smallpox Vaccine Triggered the AIDS Virus?
Will the Vaccine Sterilize You?;topicseen
(2004) Polio Outbreak From Oral Vaccine Identified -- And Controlled -- In China
Did the Swine Flu come from a Lab?
World Health Organization investigating claims that Swine Flu may be Human Error
"The document on the WHO website linked below states that it is common procedure to release pandemic viruses into the population in order to get a jump ahead of the real pandemic, so as to fast track the vaccine for when it is needed"
The forgotten flu: At Fort Riley thousands of military personnel developed the flu in the spring, summer, and fall of 1918. The first official influenza sick call at Camp Funston occurred on March 4, 1918, and within three weeks at least 1,000 soldiers required hospitalization for severe symptoms. That’s right, the Spanish flu came from the military, originally
The Spanish Influenza Epidemic of 1918 was caused by vaccinations
The greatest threat to mankind is not Iran or North Korea developing a nuclear bomb. The intentional release of a biological weapon like the A-H1N1 virus is.
Canadian Doctor says H1N1 Vaccination is a eugenics weapon for a massive and targeted reduction of world population. Since the first immunizations are using live viruses, the viruses used are probably modified and will be the cause of the spread of the initial disease. This was the same as the case for the 1918 Spanish Flu, it was the immunizations that caused the spread of the disease.
Fear the vaccine, not the swine flu itself - "People in the southern hemisphere have recovered quite nicely from their "flu season" without having taken flu vaccines, with general agreement that it was no worse than a normal winter."
New Swine Flu Mutation Far More Deadly
The Swine Flu advisor to our government is a vaccine maker executive who is making money on the sale of vaccines. Why would we want him advising our government on the swine flu vaccine program? Seems like we should not be surprised when he makes a request to have vaccinations mandatory because he stands to make a lot of money from it.
Swine Flu Shot May Rely on Emergency Use of *Experimental* Additives - "The CDC agreed to pay London-based Glaxo and Novartis, based in Basel, Switzerland, more than $415 million for adjuvants that could be added to the swine flu vaccines"
Why did the government buy 195 millions doses of if they were still testing the H1N1 vaccine? They had not yet seen the adverse reaction rates, let alone what the adverse reactions were going to be. Why the rush violating the law?
WHO has refused to release the Minutes of a key meeting of an advisory vaccine group – packed with executives from Baxter, Novartis and Sanofi – that recommended compulsory vaccinations in the USA, Europe and other countries against the artificial H1N1 “swine flu” virus this autumn.
Obama Science Advisor called for “planetary regime” to enforce totalitarian population control
Contaminated avian flu vaccine leads to bio-terrorism charges against the United Nations and the World Health Organization
Check out this post from March 5, 2009 called “bioterrorism attack plotted by New World Order” which predicted the Swine Flu H1N1 outbreak
Vaccine Connections to Neurological Disorders:
Officials: Don’t Blame Flu Shots for Side Effects (Including Death)
FOIA Reveals All: Selected vaccine authorities from CDC, FDA, and manufacturers discuss, in a closed meeting, the possibility of neurodevelopment disorders resulting from vaccine components.
Deadly Immunity: Robert F. Kennedy Jr. investigates the government cover-up of a mercury/autism scandal
Violations of liberty, constitution, etc with Vaccinations, Quarantines and lawsuits:
Over 9,000 Vials Unaccounted For At U.S. military biolab
Kissinger Report 2004 How U.S. foreign policy uses population control to exploit third world economies.
"In short: WHO has the authority to force everyone in those 194 countries to take a vaccine this fall at gunpoint, impose quarantines and restrict travel."
When the flu peaks this Fall, the military will be deployed to "assist" you
Plans were drawn up for mass graves a while back if you remember
WHO ‘recommends’ global mandatory vaccination, Canada prepares : Columbia Valley News
Want exemption form a vaccine?
The following draft of an “isolation order” was discovered on the CDC’s website. It is a template for state and local officials to impose quarantines and what would effectively be martial law.
CDC H1N1 forced detainment and quarantine documents leaked…
Arkansas DHS Vaccinates 36 children with Swine Flu Vaccine against Parents’ Objections
Panamax 2009: U.S. Military Exercise to Train Soldiers to Impose Pandemic Martial Law
Quarantine orders for Florida and Iowa for refusing swine flu vaccine.
New Government Swine Flu Document reveals plans for mass graves
Urgent lawsuit filed against FDA to halt swine flu vaccines; claims FDA violated federal law
Militarization of Public Health, an agenda to have a worldwide H1N1 Flu Vaccination program
Mandatory swine flu shots for health workers: Thousands rebel at safety risks, big pharm profits
Over the next two weeks 1,000 children aged six months to 12 years are being recruited in Oxford, Bristol, Southampton, Exeter and London, to determine which vaccine “has fewer side-effects”, reports the BBC.
Kissinger NSSM200 Population Control Agenda: Could the United States help reduce the population and if so, in what form and through which agencies bilateral, multilateral, private? One year before the 1976 Swine Flu Bioweapon Leak, Kissinger discussed in a national security memo how countries could decrease the population. Vaccinations played an important role in their goal of population reduction.
Childhood Vaccines Exceed Federal Guidelines for Mercury
Health workers on trial for testing vaccine on people without their consent
H1N1 Swine Flu Pandemic: Mass Deaths Expected This Fall, FEMA Prepares By Building Mass Grave Sites
The Swine Flu Conspiracy: If they Have Nothing To Hide, Why is the Government Acting So Guilty?
Dr. Oz Will Propagandize For H1N1 Vaccine, But He Won’t Give It To His Kids
Quotes on population reduction:
More quotes on population reduction:
Applied Eugenics, 1918 document which discusses using Spanish Flu immunizations to spread the 1918 Spanish Flu with live viruses so that population can be reduced
Big Pharma Covering Up Deaths?
A High School in Maine was taken over by the National Guard a while back for the purposes of a drill that will see Guardsmen deal with unruly citizens begging for swine flu vaccines
While asking questions with the CDC Pentagon representative, We Are Change Colorado was able to get a video confirmation that States will be deciding on the issue of mandatory vaccinations, not the Federal government.
Plans for “vaccine” bracelets to be forced on people at road blocks
A New Health Bill would OK forced vaccinations in private homes
UK to vaccinate 30 people an hour in 'military-style operation' for H1N1 swine flu
Please go watch CAMP FEMA. It just came out; it is an excellent documentary that EVERYONE must see! You can purchase it here:
I get a lot of people asking me about FEMA camps. Here is a short list of links you can see that will teach you some information on this subject:
On the issue of FEMA camps, check out this lovely link:
For those who think the secret detention centers and FEMA camps are a myth, check this out:
Here is a nice breakdown of FEMA camp info that Glenn Beck did NOT cover
I highly suggest looking into REX-84 and the continuity of government plans during Iran Contra, which included rounding up dissident citizens and placing them in camps that would be built by the Federal Emergency Management Agency
If you haven’t seen Alex Jones films, you should start watching them. I suggest Endgame, Terrorstorm, 9/11: Road to Tyranny, Police State 1, 2, 3 and many other films from him.
Here is a link to Endgame: Blueprint for Global Enslavement
Here is a link to Police State 2000
Here is a link to Police State 3
Plans for Mass Graves Confirmed: Government Surveying Cemetery Readiness for Flu Outbreak
Precisely what I was told over a year ago was going to happen. The Baxtor incident was no joke, it was trying to get this stuff to go airborne. They are gearing up for MASS DEATH, plague of the majority. The # of people, no one knows and where or when. But their preperations for it are clear. What intel do they have? What information are they so freaked out about?
Are you ready? Survivalists are. I learned about it around a year ago and have been learning more and more. the people I associate myself with, have been ready and prepared, almost always right about the coming problems historically and if you hear them now you will hear me now, the message is: GET READY
here are some more:
· More Mass Graves? Houston Expands Cemetery
· Plastic coffin liners being delivered by the truckloads
· Military Industrial Complex Prepares Mass Graves for U.S. Citizens
· VA Critic Characterizes Stories of Mass Graves as “Rumor-mongering”
· Is FEMA & DHS preparing for mass graves and martial law near Chicago?
· Video Footage of Phoenix Mass Grave Site
· Internment Camps Readied For Mass Illegal Alien Influx?
· FEMA: Trains To Take You To The Camps
· Canadian Train Quarantined After “Flu-like Outbreak”
For people who doubt that there is testing, experiments or other on your nice blue sky (chemtrails) let me show you a list of links to some sites you need to familiarize yourelf with. Remember, they do this over cities without your consent:
Unites States Patent for Chem Trails
C135 Weather Modification Plane
Local News Confirms barium in Chemtrails
Cloud Seeding Books
Cloud Seeding in COLORADO
Weather Manipulation Company:
Weather Modification Company:
Atmospheric Science Program
Cloud Seeding, Weather Modification Program Company
NASA - Dryden Flight Research ChemTrail program
Another Local Newscast reports on Military testing in atmosphere disrupting radar for weatherman
German Military caught manipulating atmosphere
French Military planes with atmospheric spray systems attached
Las Vegas Tribune does a piece on Chemtrails
Chemtrail plane following another plane not leaving any trail
Chemtrail Galore:
Boeing NKC-135A Strantotanker
Contrail Science Webpage
HAARP, documentaries you need to watch and website
Another Film:
And finally, educate yourself on HR 2977 where it states the use of chemtrails as well as other similar weapons against the citizens is OK as a “Defense” purpose
Here's a trailer for a made-for-TV movie called Toxic Skies that a friend of mine just co-produced. Starring Anne Heche, the film was inspired by the Chem Trails conspiracy theory, which holds that some jet contrails (the vapor trails the form behind jets at high altitudes) are actually toxic chemicals deliberately sprayed at high altitude for an undisclosed but presumably sinister purpose.
Chem Trail article released by Financial Times: “Sulphur particles shot into the stratosphere, could reflect enough sunlight to make a measurable difference” Wait a second, I thought those were a conspiracy theory,dwp_uuid=abb716b0-2f7a-11da-8b51-00000e2511c8,print=yes.html
Oh yeah, and the artist formerly known as “Prince” came out about Chem Trails
-Jonathan Elinoff
I have a regular newsletter that goes out showing the top news stories you need to hear that the mainstream media will not focus on, of course sometimes not even mention.
To get on the email, email me at and let me know you want on this list.
četrtek, 22. oktober 2009
petek, 2. oktober 2009
67. "Baxter je v Slovenijo poslal cepivo z živim virusom ptičje gripe"
66. Soncni zarek
Did you know you have probably never been told the straight truthabout one of the most potent, yet overlooked, healing nutrients in theworld? In fact, medical groups have actually spent the past threedecades convincing you to avoid this "nutrient" by scaring you intothinking it causes cancer.
But the truth is far different. Strong clinical evidence proves this"nutrient" actually prevents and helps REVERSE an astounding number ofserious diseases (and I'll tell you all about it right here),
* Prostate cancer
* Breast cancer
* Osteoporosis
* Depression
* Gum disease
* Schizophrenia
* Diabetes
Curious what this "nutrient" really is? Let me give you some hints:
It moves at the speed of light. You can feel it (it feels warm), butyou can't touch it. Without it, there would be no life whatsoever onplanet Earth. And it can't be patented or sold for profit.
What is it?
I'm talking about natural, healthy sunshine, which enables your bodyto make its own lifesaving vitamin D.
Today, I want to share with youthe secrets of its health benefits in a fascinating special reportcalled, "The Healing Power of Sunshine and Vitamin D." It's availablefor downloading right now at: Acrobat format)
This special report contains information you probably won't hear fromyour doctor or dermatologist, because it goes against everything theybelieve about sunlight. But recent research is proving that notgetting enough sunlight is extremely dangerous to your health becauseit causes vitamin D deficiencies that promote chronic disease.
Seeking out sunlight in safe, reasonable doses, on the other hand,does wonders for your health and may, in fact, render all sorts ofconventional medical therapies irrelevant. Again, you can get the fullstory in this fascinating special report right now: Acrobat format)
This special report features an interview with Dr. Michael Holick,
one of the world's leading experts on vitamin D and sunlight. In "TheHealing Power of Sunlight," he discusses his fascinating research.
You'll learn things like:
* How vitamin D deficiencies have been directly linked to severaltypes of cancer.
* In a study of African-American, Latino, and Caucasian women who hadjust given birth, 76% were deficient in vitamin D and 81% of theinfants were deficient.
* A study in Finland showed that infants who were deficient invitamin D had an 80% increased risk of developing Type-2 diabetes asan adult.
* 32% of students and doctors in Boston are deficient in vitamin D bythe end of winter.
* 40% to 60% of elderly people are at risk for vitamin D deficiency.
In "The Healing Power of Sunshine and Vitamin D," Dr. Holick alsoexplains little-known facts about sunshine and vitamin D. In thisspecial report, you'll learn:
* How proper nutrition helps you avoid sunburn without using chemicalsunscreens
* What the right amount of sunlight is for your body
* How vitamin D deficiencies cause prostate cancer, breast cancer,osteoporosis and other diseases
* The true cause of asthma and why antihistamines only conceal thesymptoms of the disease rather than treating its cause
* How to calculate how much sunlight you need based on your ancestryand current geographical location
* Seasonal Affective Disorder: how to treat it with sunlight exposure
* Why you can't get enough vitamin D from diet alone
* Why U.K. dermatologists support more sun exposure, but the U.S.dermatology association refuses to change its stance
* How a lack of vitamin D may contribute to schizophrenia
* Why it is harder to absorb adequate amounts of calcium withoutsufficient vitamin D
Take advantage of this information right now. It's "must-have"knowledge that no person should go without. This information hasliterally changed my health and my life, and I believe it can changeyours as well.
Get it now at: Acrobat format)
To your health,
- Mike Adams, The Health Ranger